A Special Holiday For Fasting And Prayers Will Solve All Ghana’s Problems, Says Bishop D C Ayarewaba

Ghana is about to experience a supernatural turnaround in its economic fortunes, the Bishop has declared. That is IF all believers will watch and pray for the nation.

The Head of the Northern, Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Sectors of the Perez Chapel, Bishop D.C Ayarewaba in an interview with ModernGhana said: “It is time government together with religious organizations set a special prayer day which will be a holiday to pray for the nation.” He emphasized that lack of committed prayer activities would further deepen the woes of the country and hinder development.

“Not everyone can pay tax, contribute materially or will have access to make suggestions into governance, but all have equal power and authority to contribute spiritually into governance through our supportive prayers”. His branch of the church, the Cathedral Of Solution situated at Kwadaso in Kumasi has declared 6th March as an “Independence Day Of Fasting And Prayerfest” to intercede for the nation.

The one-day fasting and prayer session themed “Ghana Will Not Fail” is set to intercede for Ghana to ascend to the glorious heights God originally intended. As one of God’s representatives on earth, he revealed that God has told him that it is only through prayer that we can drive the nation towards the desired destination. He stated that Ghana is a Godly nation but things can only work if the citizens would devote time to pray and intercede for the country as well as live selfless lives.

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“Prayer intercession has been left in the hands of some selected groups of believers, but if all would join with one accord, heaven will kiss the nation”. He invited all and sundry including NGOs and individuals of all denominations to join the church in Kwadaso to pray on 6th March for Ghana.

Sooooo, upon all the time we spend organizing National Day of Fasting And Prayers, National Thanksgiving Service, praying in church every Sunday and every other weekday, praying in the streets, praying on radio and TV, we still need a special holiday to pray for Ghana. And to think the solution to all our problems all along is prayer, upon all these prayers.

Is it that we are praying wrong? Or maybe the real problem is that we pray too much? While our eyes are closed and heads are bowed in prayer, our politicians and even religious leaders make away with the money we could use to make things better. And even though the God we keep praying to allegedly sees all things and says the wages of sin is death, these “thieves” are always very much alive amongst us, living their better lives while we pray and wallow in misery, wondering why our merciful father is deaf to our cries. My guess is that we have screamed so much at him, he grew deaf at some point.

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Instead of suggesting credible solutions to the very serious problems we are facing as a nation, these people who call themselves leaders keep telling us to bow down our heads and close our eyes while yelling at an invisible entity in the sky and suddenly all our problems will be solved. No wonder our problems keep piling up, just like the money they steal from us while our eyes are closed.
