Five-Year-Old Boy Boils To Death In Pot Of Hausa Koko

Hausa Koko is a breakfast delicacy enjoyed and loved by many in Ghana. The popular Hausa street food is a sour and spicy porridge made from fermented millet. Hausa Koko brings joy and satisfaction, but there’s one family that will forever be haunted by the hot, spicy porridge after a five-year-old boy died after falling into the hot millet porridge being prepared for sale by his grandmother at Anyinam in the Western Region.

The incident occurred on Thursday at 6:30 am in the morning, Rainbow Radio’s Christopher Anto said. Narrating the incident on Nyankonton Mu Nsem, Christopher said, the minor died on the spot after falling into the porridge which is popularly known as ‘Hausa Koko’. According to him, the deceased minor could not even scream for help after falling into the hot porridge.

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He also indicated that grandmother of the deceased, whose name was only as Hajia, was taking her bath when the incident occurred. She came to meet the lifeless body of the boy, he added.  The police he said have kept in custody the woman pending further investigations whereas the deceased has been buried.

It must be a really tragic experience to come and meet the lifeless body of your grandchild in a pot of boiling porridge and before you can even grieve, you’re whisked off by the police for interrogation. The grandmother could have done better by not leaving an unsupervised five-year-old around an unattended pot of boiling porridge. Children are known to be very inquisitive, and at an age where they do not recognize the danger in playing with fire or in this case, boiling Hausa Koko, parents and guardians need to be extra careful.

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Such a sad, sad incident and caretakers of little children need to be more mindful of leaving them around situations like this that can result in such unnecessary and painful demise of young, innocent children.
