Water Bodies In Ghana Going Extinct – Plans To Import Water In The Pipeline

In Ghana we find ourselves complaining about how we have to import everything from toothpicks to second-hand underwear. As if that is not enough, it seems we’ll start importing water soon. Yes, water. Ghana, the country with one of the largest man-made lakes in the world is going to have to resort to importing water in the very near future. How crappy is that? Already there are people in rural areas who have no idea what clean water tastes like and have to use the same water animals drink and defecate in.

A research fellow at the Centre for Coastal Management of the University of Cape Coast Dr. Donaltus Agnorien has charged authorities to double up efforts aimed at saving the country’s water bodies. The country, he explains is heading for doom as water bodies in the country are at a stage of extinction. The death of these water bodies he adds will not only mean the country would spend much in having water for domestic and other industrial use but also lives could ultimately be lost as water represents live with many living organisms man depends on for survival also dying making live hellish for the human race.

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The country, he adds will automatically have to import water which will be a drain on the already scarce resource base of the country. Speaking to Starr News on the occasion of the World Water day which falls on the 22nd March each year on the theme “Nature for Water” thus exploring nature-based solutions to the water challenges in the 21st century”, Dr. Donaltus urged stakeholders to check human activities that consequently affect the health of water bodies as water is a rare resource that must be protected at all cost to support sustenance of the human and animal life.

The issues of illegal mining, open defecating and other general poor negative practices meted to water bodies must be addressed well to save the country’s water bodies.
