How Long Should Sex Last? | The Women Say 5 Minutes is SUPERB…

Sex life

This question would definitely fetch varying answers anytime it’s asked—particular when you throw it to men and women. While some men think a good sex is that which can go on and on forever, the women seem to say 5 minutes is superb.

A popular US talk show-The REAL, where things are kept real and the conversation stays in the of box honesty puts the average desirable sex time for women between 5-7 minutes.

When the host of the show-Jeannie Mai asked her panel of ladies this week how long they prefer sex to last—the answers were pretty interesting but they all displaced the idea that, the longer the sex, the better it is…

Adrienne Bailon who answered the question first said, for her, 20-30 minutes is great.

She said; “I think more people would have [sex] more frequently if they didn’t think… it would be a 3 hour marathon. I hear a lot of women say ‘I don’t want to have as much of it because I’m tired!

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I feel like on weekdays and on work days, a good 20-30 minutes is right on point. That is including kissing and foreplay. A good 20 or 30 minute as a night cap or when you wake up in the morning!”

Of course she added that this time includes foreplay and kissing which brings her answer within the 5-7 minutes range for the actual intercourse. The other women on the panel fell within the same time frame, confirming existing studies which say satisfactory sex falls within 3-7 minutes.

Per Penn State Erie researchers-Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani, sex is “Too Short” when it lasts 1-2 minutes, “Adequate” sex is 3 to 7 minutes, “Desirable” sex lasts for 7-13 minutes and “Too long” sex is anywhere between 13 to 30 minutes.

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The research which found the above conducted a survey of 50 full members of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, which include psychologists, physicians, social workers, marriage/family therapists and nurses who had collectively seen thousands of patients over several decades.

The researchers stated in their paper that, “unfortunately, today’s popular culture has reinforced stereotypes about sexual activity. Many men and women seem to believe the fantasy model of large penises, rock-hard erections and all-night-long intercourse.”

The video conversation below together with published researches sort of say; going for too long  is not what women really want—but on individual level, this could be totally different.

So we ask; how long should sex last for?
