Ghana Needs To Take A Leaf Out Of Rwanda’s Book And Close Down All The Churches Causing Noise Pollution–And Throw Street Preachers With Loudspeakers In Jail

About 700 churches and one mosque in Rwanda have been closed down for failing to comply with building regulations and for noise pollution. Most of these churches are small Pentecostal churches. According to new regulations, all preachers must have had theological training before opening a church.

Most of these Pentecostal churches are run by charismatic preachers who promise all sorts of miracles thereby amassing a large number of followers. Obviously, it’s not only Ghanaians who are lured by promises of “miracles” and “wonders”. A large number of these churches are situated in tiny structures built without any planning permission and use loud public address systems to attract worshippers.

Government official Justus Kangwagye on BBC’s Focus on Africa stated that they just wanted these churches to adhere to “modest standards”. Most of them exposed worshippers to unnecessary risks which could cause put them in danger. This move is being carried out by the local authorities with the support of the Rwanda Governance Board. These churches that were closed down were thought to be operated illegally.

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Such a great initiative by the Rwandan government that Ghana should be thinking of “copying”. The prevalence of “illegal” churches that contribute nothing to society but noise and corrupt members is enough for government to take an interest. There are way more churches in Ghana than factories, libraries, and educational institutions combined.

In the name of all-night services, these heartless charlatans will put cheap speakers on blast the whole night and in the early hours of the morning, disturbing the sleep of responsible citizens. And most of them gather in decrepit buildings with no concern for the safety of their own congregation.

Any dumb guy with a Bible, a loud voice and the spirit of a con man can open a church anywhere and no one will complain, because “touch not the Lord’s anointed”. Which God keeps “anointing” these lame guys? It’s such a wonder they have people following them and giving them their hard earned cash. Complain about the noise they make and you’re the Satan they’ll make even more noise “rebuking” and praying against.

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These “prayer warriors” have no respect for other people’s peace of mind and keep using the name of God to cause unrest in the society by disturbing the peace every chance they get. Someone can just wake up at dawn, grab a megaphone and start waking everybody up in the name of preaching the gospel. What kind of gospel teaches you to be insensitive and inconsiderate of other people’s need to be left alone in peace?

The government really needs to get involved and crack down on these religious Nazis that contribute nothing to society but make noise and create fear and panic by prophesying nothing but death over the rooftops. After all, they don’t really have any meaningful impact on the society. All they do is keep breeding hypocrites and milking unsuspecting victims. Arrest the criminals already.
