Scientists Have Just Found A Planet Like Earth That Might Have Aliens & We Are Capable of Travelling There Because It’s Close

This artist’s impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri

This artist’s impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri

Scientists have just announced that an earth-like rocky planet has been found, something like earth 2.0.

The planet is just four light years away, close enough for travellers from earth to make it there in the near future.

The  planet may have alien life and it’a slightly bigger than Earth and sits about four light years away, orbiting Proxima Centauri.

UK’s Independent reports:

The planet, known as Proxima b, is close enough that future generations of space craft might be abel to travel there, taking robotic probes with them. Eventually it could even be close enough to become a new home for travellers from Earth.

Scientists hope to be able to explore the planet more to try and find life. The planet orbits in the habitable zone around its sun, meaning that it would be well within the right place to be able to support life.

Dr Guillem Anglada-Escude, from Queen Mary University of London, who led an international team of about 30 astronomers, said: “Succeeding in the search for the nearest terrestrial planet beyond the solar system has been an experience of a lifetime, and has drawn on the dedication and passion of a number of international researchers.

“We hope these findings inspire future generations to keep looking beyond the stars. The search for life on Proxima b comes next.”

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