Obuor Is A Great Disappointment To Ghanaian Musicians – Evangelist Akwasi Nyarko

The President of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), Bice Osei Kuffuor, better known by his alias Obuor, has come under fire time without number during his tenure for his unsatisfactory performance. He has been accused of channeling funds meant for the union into his ever protruding belly while the average musician has to struggle to survive.

Needless to say, a lot of musicians in the Union are not pleased with him at all, and gospel musician Evangelist Akwasi Nyarko is one of them. Sounding much pained on a radio station at Offinso in the Ashanti Region, the singer compared the development of music in Ghana to other countries and said we were lagging way behind and it is all because of Obuor.

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He accused the MUSIGA President of failing to work towards resurrecting the dying industry and called on him to get his protruding belly out of the way so that people more competent and less concerned with misdirecting funds can take over the leadership of the Union. “We had so much hope in him to develop music in the country but we have been left disappointed because he failed to make any meaningful impact during his tenure as President”, the Evangelist whined.

“Obuor has not helped the industry in any way. When someone gets an enviable position, he thinks all of himself and wants to develop alone. We trusted he was going to transform the industry but those of us who voted for him have been left very devastated”, he lamented.

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Another vote of no confidence for the MUSIGA boss. Obuor has turned out to be like the average Ghanaian politician, thinking only about his stomach and nothing else. The complaints of musicians against him are getting tiring, and we hope he either resigns or steps up his game or posterity will judge him as the leader who only cared about growing his stomach
