“The Current Minority Group Is The Most Awful In Ghana’s History” – Bishop Addae-Mensah

Bishop Addae-Mensah, Presiding Bishop of the Gospel Light International Church,  is obviously very displeased with the behavior of the minority National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Parliament, calling them out for their use of derogatory words to describe the Speaker of Parliament, Prof Mike Oquaye. The Man of God has called on the minority leader, Haruna Iddrisu, Member of Parliament for Asawase Muntaka Mubarak and other young Members of Parliament in the NDC to accord the Speaker with the due respect.

He said he had heard Hon. Haruna Iddrisu threaten to disrespect the Speaker of Parliament if he was provoked, much to the Bishop’s amazement. “I have also on several occasions heard Hon Muntaka and some of his colleagues on radio using unprintable words in an attempt to accuse the Right Honorable Speaker of Parliament, Prof Aaron Mike Oquaye of deliberately trying to frustrate and prevent the minority from contributing to issues on the floor of parliament.”

“Even in the wake of such disagreements, resorting to acidic and insulting words to humiliate the leader of such a house is unparliamentary and portrays insincerity and hypocrisy.” Adding that, “Even though the house has its own rules and procedures, there are avenues where grievances of such nature could be channeled for redress rather than rushing to the radio and TV with stinking language to describe a well-respected personality like Prof Oquaye”.

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“What kind of morals are these minority members showing the current generation of our children? For me, leadership of parliament must be with brains and not brawn. It is unacceptable in our culture to look at a man old enough to be your father and call him names,” he spat.

“Hon Muntaka Mubarak likened the Speaker of Parliament’s actions in the house to that of Iddi Amin or Mobutu and it’s an insult to himself and the party he belongs to. It tells the kind of training he had at home.”

“If someone looks him in the face and calls him a ‘fool’ or ‘stupid’ will he muster the courage or the moral right to drag such a person to the privileges committee?” he demanded. Obviously, the Bishop’s opinion of the minority is very low and they can be sure not to get any votes from him in the foreseeable future.

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Landing the final blow, he concluded, “It appears since the emergence of the Fourth Republic in our current democratic dispensation, I think this batch of Minority group in parliament is the most awful I have ever seen… Though I know there are a lot of decent and well-respected men and women among the NDC MPs, there are also few young ones who are trying to become ‘hawks’ overnight with egoistic intent of wanting to gain popularity.”

It seems as though this Man of God and Defender of the Speaker of Parliament spends all his time paying attention to Members of Parliament on the minority side instead of focusing on his congregation. With all his knowledge of parliamentary procedures, he might as well be a politician. Not surprising though, since politicians and religious leaders are cast from the same stone.


