Religion is the REAL EVIL… It Poisons Everything | Why My Friend Cried Throughout Her Wedding




Disclaimer; If you are one of the many credulous religious persons who believe a MESSIAH resurrected from the death and that a prophet who stayed in a cave was visited by angels—and yet do not want these hysterical beliefs questioned under the microscope of reason, then do not read this article because you might find it OFFENSIVE.

Religion is violent, irrational, makes absurd claims which it hates to be challenged, allied to racism, tribalism, bigotry, glorifies ignorance and invests heavily in the oppression of women and continues to terrorize children—and I am sure I have not mentioned its hostility to free inquiry.

For people like me, the world would be much better if we begin to question the many extraordinary religious claims which of course it offers no extraordinary evidence for…


Religion does not and has not only caused us many wars—-with innocent children and women being killed each day around the world for some ill-instituted dogma, it also segregates us and continues to oppress women.

I am yet to come across a religion which offers women equal rights as men—as religion still continues to treat women as objects and inferior. In such an enlightened century, there is a man placed glass ceiling in our churches and mosques; women cannot rise and do certain things that men are allowed to do by virtue of the fact that they are women. And some people do not even find this offensive.

It is therefore shocking when you see women who are being treated like second class citizens by this ancient man made institution throwing all their weight in defend of it, regardless of how much they’ve been boxed to the corner.

Any attempt to liberate women, end poverty, diseases like HIV and others is met by one strong objection, serving as a threat to our civilization-RELIGION. How can a religion followed by billions teach that AIDS is bad but not as bad as the use of condoms?

Religion poisons everything, it is a lie being mainly championed by certain charlatans whose genuine interest rests on the control, the wealth and the easy weapon it has become—and not that they want to help anyone obtain a needless salvation, an ancient sketched propaganda.

It is difficult to understand why 21st century men and women continue to dutifully entertain such an ancient institution which has lost its relevance in our today’s world, all because they refuse to measure things against reason, take interest in evidence based proclamations instead of towing the line of faith—believing without evidence.

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If you’ve never been told the truth about religion before, here it is; it is more of a poison than anything else—and just last week, a friend had to cry throughout her own wedding ceremony because religion poisoned it for her, once again.

People try to ignore and pretend as if the tension and division religion placed between people who belong to different sect of this false institution centuries ago does not exist today. Yet, the Muslim cannot out of choice decide to marry a Christian without any sort of religious objection—and the inverse clearly holds.

Just like you, I know people who are Muslims and happily married to Christians, or Buddhists married to Hindus—but they were able to do this by calling a bluff on the hard religious objection. You can only do this mostly if you are ready to lose your friends, family and co-worshipers.

How a tenacious ancient institution with no real benefits to us today continue to hold people and their minds hostage—and perch us against each other in such an evil way, backed by lies is beyond comprehension. But it is happening all around us.

People believe in all manner of nonsense and mere belief does not make anything true but for any reasonable person to absorb the myths, the inconsistencies and pure evil religion preaches makes me wonder if such a person has taken time to properly evaluate the beliefs that were probably thrown at him or her during infancy, when critical evaluation was not an option.

I had a call from Ghana last weekend from my little sister about one of my old friends (she was a class mate for many years and I believe the use of friend sits well) who got married in tears. She was a Muslim by birth and like most religious people, the religion of her parents determined her religion—not that she had any real choice after the many years of indoctrination.

And when she travelled out of town for studies, she met a Christian with whom she has four beautiful kids with. After many years of their relationship, they decided to make their relationship official before God and man (as if there is some God and even if there was, why would he be interested in this?).

Is this not supposed to be a joyous journey for my friend or anyone in her position? No, religion had to come in and poison the whole enterprise and this one day that my friend, like most women have always wanted.

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None of her family members turned up—they all boycotted the wedding and not only that, declared her an evil pariah who deserves to burn in hell fire. And her crime is; for having come in contact with a Christian or falling in love with another human being who stood by her during her weak days.

This is not in isolation of the many occurrences that religious people try so much to ignore. In the face of progressing diversity made possible by today’s secularism, religion wishes and wants us to go back to the dark ages when two human beings could not exist by the mere fact that they believed in different sort of myths.

On the bigger scale, why do you think we can’t find peace in Israel and the many peace treaties break down immediately as they come into force? Why do you think innocent children of Jews and Palestinians continue to be killed each day—and the UN, the EU and every other organisation can’t seem to have these two groups of people live side by side as expected? Because the party of God has a veto on the issue—and until religion together with its poison falls out of the relevance box, places such as the above would never know peace.

My first girlfriend was a Muslim, innocent and obedient. I remember how she would not miss her Quran sessions—even if that was an option. Today, her own family do not want to see her face. She has already been put to death by neglect and all she also did was to get married to a wonderful and caring doctor who happens to be a Christian.

If this is not pure evil; then what is the measure of evil? Religion poisons everything and even finds ways to break small families, large communities and countries with its teachings and quest for sect supremacy.

Do not tell me all these people subjecting friends, family and other human beings to unimaginable levels of torment and cruelty in the name of obedience to their scriptures are not true religious people. Because, who is the authority on pointing out who is a true religions person—or who is the right Muslim and right Christianity?

This is what religion is; and has been and will always be—an adulterated poison which has no place among civilized men.


spacely says:

🙂 another nice read. keep enlightening them chris

Fred says:

Is the writer against religion or against the people practicing it. Analysis from his article shows that religion is being practiced wrongly. (S)he seems not to understand the nature of religion otherwise (s)he could have also mentioned the role of religion in ending the two world wars and other major catastrophic events in history. The Bible and Qur’an has never changed in their substance but it’s application by man is the problem, it brings peace and war depending on its interpretation. So my sister or brother, your problem should not be the religion, because it is innocent, but it should be the practitioner, who is the culprit.

Religion is the problem, who is the authority on what is good and bad practice—of course not you. Religion and the metrics of it are false; that should be the starting point.

It has no relevance in today’s society and therefore should not even be entertained, let alone be practiced.

Religion is the fundamental problem here as it makes extraordinary claims without providing any evidence for these claims. It makes false promises to its followers who act on these claims. It says certain man made stories and books are divine given. tortures children with the image and stories of hell…

And I am not sure how you want to try and distinguish religion from its practice because, religion in simplicity is a way of life, more of a practice than anything else.

The Holy books may not have changed (here, they’ve all changed) but that does not mean they are true, or stand for good or have any real importance in our world today—except to continue in the perpetuating of atrocities and falsehood.

Religion in itself is against free inquiry, stands against women empowerment, is violent, glorifies ignorance and present certain myths as true. In the face of all evidence that we evolved, religion says we were created and that, a woman is not as important or as a human being as man.

So religion and the practitioner are no way different or none is any way better. In fact, religion is worse than the practitioner as some of the practioners ignore some of the religious text which are so insane in application.

Any scheme such as religion which survives and mode of recruitment is FAITH—meaning, believing with evidence is a recipe for disaster and should not be allowed in such an enlightened period. Religion forbids reason and critical thinking—so that it can freely push its falsehood.

Sobriety says:

Whatever, Chris WE WILL PRACTICE OUR FAITH. I know the benefits of practising my faith. Dont tell us what to do. I wish u could move to an Arab country. You are living off the benefits of a Religious country called UK. Check the history of the country u live in and come back again.

cobystash says:

hotep! (peace).